
Cost of Medicinal Cannabis

For most people, the cost of Medicinal Cannabis is around $40-$80 a week and prices for THC products will be falling in the next couple of months. We’ll be sure to prescribe you the right product at an affordable price.


Cost of Consultations

Unfortunately the price of CBD and THC products are set by the suppliers so there’s not much we can do about the prices they set.

What we do have the power to control though is what we charge you to come and see us. Medicinal cannabis can be expensive which is why we at Green Doctors try and make it easier to access by reducing all our consult fees. Keeping a close eye on our patients is extremely important and crucial if you’re going to get the best out of your medicinal cannabis product.

Initial consult with specialist medicinal cannabis doctors – $59

First follow up with the nurse – $45

Disability Allowance – Forms completed for a small fee!

Green Doctors has been working with WINZ for over two years and we have dozens of low income patients accessing funding for their medicinal cannabis needs. Our doctors have met with WINZ staff and MSD officials to make sure we know what criteria our patients need to fulfil to access funding and it’s not as easy as just filling out the Disability Allowance. Talk to one of our doctors to find out more.

ACC – Forms completed free of charge

Since Green Doctors started as the first specialist medicinal cannabis clinic in NZ in 2019, we’ve had dozens of patients who have been successful with ACC claims. Make sure you have a case manager then talk to us for the rest.

Private Health Insurance

You may be able to claim your consultation fee through your preferred insurer. Let us know who that is and we can we’ll endeavour to assist you in anyway we can.